українська федерація йоги
From the first texts, hatha yoga goal has been the extension of life and getting rid of diseases.

Including energy practices were aimed at improving health. Thus, Amaraugha-Prabodha writes:

“Hatha yoga is what is used to structure pranas (energies) ...
The body is made up of five elements and five chakras.
When the [element] of earth decreases, wrinkles appear in people. When the water decreases, the hair gradually turns gray, like dried grass. When the fire decreases, appetite disappears, when the wind dissipates, beauty disappears, trembling occurs, and effort is needed for life.

Many hatha yoga texts point to health benefits as an effect of asana practice −

“śarīrāntargatāḥ sarve rogā vinaśyanti । viṣāṇi jīryante ।
Then [after asana], diseases that have entered the body disappear, poisons grow old.“
Sandilya Upanishad.

In the 20th century, hatha yoga became close to European medicine through the works of yogis - Desikachara (Viniyoga of Yoga), Shri Yogendra (Personal Hygiene of Yogi) and Dhirenda Brahmachari (Yoga Sukshma Vyayama). In their books, they noticed the correspondence of exercises for the body and breathing to the treatment of various diseases.

For its part, medicine also stepped towards yoga, this step is yoga therapy — the treatment of diseases and their prevention by means of yoga.

Yoga therapists in their experiments measure how asanas and pranayamas change the state of health of a yoga practitioner.

From these studies, advice is born on applying asanas and pranayamas to the treatment of various diseases. And also about the nuances of practice in case of health defects.
Thus, we practice hatha yoga exercises based on both classical texts and modern knowledge.

Articles on yoga therapy


Authors of articles on yoga therapy

Olena Akhramieieva, yoga therapist, the founder of Yoga Therapy in Ukraine, the founder and the head of the Ukrainian Institute of Yoga and Yoga Therapy (UIYT), yoga instructor.
Nataliia Kravets, yoga therapist, the Head of Ukrainian Institute of Yoga and Yoga Therapy branch in Kiev, yoga instructor, the head of Vriddhi-Yoga Department.
Dmitry Sliusarenko, yoga instructor.

Pranayama: a Pearl in Hatha Yoga Treasure-House

In this article, one can find out how pranayama affecting the body of the practitioner. The author of the article gives u an introduction to:
⁃ Anatomy of the respiratory system;
⁃ Physiology;
⁃ Yoga, or the way it all works.

Yoga—the Way to the Good Heart

One of Pranayama Curative Mechanisms. In this article, one will find a detailed description of the influence of pranayama upon the heart.

Pranayama as Meditation

Different stages of the practitioner’s response to pranayama are described:
⁃ the stage of breathing stereotypes formation and initial performance of the pranayama;
⁃ the stage of psychosomatic posture actualization;
⁃ the stage of rearrangement;
⁃ the stage of new stereotype imprinting.

Bhastrika, The Effects, and Mechanisms of Health Improvement

This article consists of three parts that cover:
⁃ Bhastrika and musculoskeletal system;
⁃ Bhastrika and apparatus of external respiration;
⁃ Practical recommendations.

Cleansing Breath in Yoga - Mechanisms, Effects, Indications

The Influence of Cleansing Breath upon the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and nervous system is presented in the article.

Ujjayi (snake breathing) in Yoga therapy of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

How shall I breathe if I snore?

Some of Ujjayi Effects, or Relaxation that Comes after Victory

Ujjayi breathing is a breathwork done in vibratory key (successive singing of sounds that compose the OM mantra) that in our School tradition is practiced almost from the very beginning.